Our wate wells

Water is one of the most essential human needs and a source of life. Many aspects of our daily lives, such as hygiene, nutrition, and medical care, would be impossible without water. However, millions of people around the world lack access to it due to climatic conditions, economic crises, or destroyed infrastructure resulting from armed conflicts.

Since its foundation in 2013, the Salsabil Association has been actively combating the shortage of drinking water by constructing wells. Our organization is credited with about five thousand wells in Africa, which significantly improve the living conditions of hundreds of thousands of people.

The construction of wells is carried out in remote areas in collaboration with local partners, ensuring reliable and trusted sources of information about the geographical area.

After construction, wells significantly simplify hygiene and culinary processes. Village residents become less vulnerable to infectious diseases caused by the consumption of non-potable water. Thanks to the wells, residents no longer have to undertake long walking journeys to water sources, which also contributes to the development of local infrastructure.

Our local partners regularly conduct inspections and maintain the wells. The Salsabil Association not only constructs but also maintains wells, equipped with plaques containing contact numbers for repair services. One call, and any malfunction can be fixed promptly.

From the moment of funding, each well is assigned an identification number. After construction is completed, we will post a video report of the well opening on our YouTube channel. Also, within a year after payment, you can request a report about your well (video, photos, written report). An example of a written report is available via a link on our website. After a year from the date of payment, requests for archival reports are no longer considered.

You can support the project by sponsoring the construction of a well just below on this page. For your convenience, we have provided a cost calculator and an order form. After your order and payment are processed, our staff will contact you to confirm.
If you have any questions, you can contact us through the form on the “Contact” page or send a message on WhatsApp at +33 7 82 61 66 36.

Follow this link to find videos about the construction of our wells and the quality of hand water pumps.


To calculate the cost of the well, use the calculator located below: