Out of 4 million inhabitants in Lebanon, 1.5 million are refugees. It is the largest refugee per capita population in the world, most of them being Syrian.

People live in spontaneously constructed camps. Even for the soil where they camp their tents, the farmers collect money. In order to earn the least bit of provision, people work hard for pennies, and even children are not spared from work. In such conditions, buying clothes or household items is improbable.

In those camps, people barely make ends meet. In the beginning of October, Salsabil employees headed out to Lebanon in order to analyze the situation in person. We were met with dire needs and therefore we ask you to respond to our call for help. A food basket for a family, for one month, according to our calculations, costs 40€ in Lebanon. However, do not forget that you can donate even « half a date », as was reported from our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Save yourselves from the Hellfire, even with half a date given in charity”.

We have already provided some primary assistance in several refugee camps. We distributed food, warm blankets and mattresses, but the needy remain in a big number. They are certainly in a safe place, but now the struggle is to survive, as they have fled war and left everything behind.

So, let us help them with everything we can.

May Allah reward with good and may He grant Paradise to everyone who assists the weak and the poor.

Refugee assistance in Lebanon