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Fundraising for ”Yemen-Somali” projects completed

Assalamu Alaykum.

Dear friends, the mission to Somalia has been completed. We are pleased to inform you that the assistance we provided was the most significant in comparison with the donations of other funds.

All praise belongs to Allah. We are grateful to Him for allowing us to participate in this charitable cause.

Speaking about the figures – more than 3.5 thousand families received humanitarian aid in food.

Drugs were delivered to two hospitals, one of which is located in a “risk zone” where other humanitarian funds refuse to work. To savannah  we delivered 50 trucks of water.

All the charges for the Yemen-Somali 2017 project have  been stopped at this moment. With the permission of Allah, we will leave soon to Yemen.

May Allah be pleased with us all.

Fundraising for ”Yemen-Somali” projects completed