Dear brothers and sisters, said our Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam),

“I and the guardian of the orphan in paradise will be as close to each other as these two,” and then he lifted two fingers, index and middle, and parted them.

The Salsabil Association recently arrived in the Republic of Chad to implement the Orphans project. With the help of Allah and your financial support, we successfully provided school supplies for 443 orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world.

Now, their guardians will not have to be concerned about equipping them with all the necessary school supplies this year. You and I, in fact, have done three good deeds: helped an orphan, provided assistance in gaining knowledge, and most importantly, this project was implemented among the poor, who simply cannot buy school supplies for their children. Most of these families do not have enough money, even for basic food.

May Allah be pleased with you all and make you neighbors of our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa-Sallam) in the booths of paradise.

Chad: 443 Orphans Provided with School Supplies