In 2018, Salsabil turned 5 years old since its creation. On this occasion, we published a report magazine.

This edition contains information about the countries we work in, the aid that is provided, and the number of its beneficiaries. You can also find our bank account details and contact information of our project managers.

The magazine is edited in the main languages of our working sphere – French, Russian and English. Presently, the magazine is available in Vienna, Austria, and in Nice and Strasbourg in France.

Alternatively, you can order the magazine with additional delivery fees. To do so, simply contact us through our website or through social networks.

All proceeds will go to charity.

The recommended retail price is 10€.

If you wish to participate in selling the magazine either in Moscow or in Grozny, please contact us on the following WhatsApp number: +33753241717.

May Allah bless you abundantly and accept your worship.


Reporting magazine by fifth anniversary of the Association Salsabil